Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Slowing Down

March 13th, 2011

Slow down, take a few breaths and feel the sensations in your body. Yoga is a process towards looking inward to finding our inner self. Only by slowing down can we achieve this, the slowing down between impulse and reaction. Slowing down in your Yoga Practice gives you the chance to really feel what the pose is doing to you, the chance to listen to your breath: is it still calm and deep. Feeling your body, the sensations, feeling if you are not causing any pain, being gentle to yourself. Adjusting your pose to not cause any injuries. As we bring this process into our Yoga practice, we can also start doing it in our day to day lives. Slowing down, letting our senses develop: hearing, smelling, touching, feeling, seeing.. what is really there. This naturally brings on mindfulness and awareness and gives us the choice how to respond rather than impulsively reacting to situations and events. Take some small steps to slow it down, one day at a time. Don’t rush it, just slow it down….

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